Thursday, June 9, 2011

Advice for 2016

Things you would need to know about 8th grade Language Arts....

You should do your work when given and don't procrastinate; You will wind up forgetting.

Try and work hard. Be sure to put your best work into it.

Just a little heads up:

If you have Mrs.Reagles...

She knows Tae Kwon Do

She is haunted by her cousin.

She is very random.

She takes a while with her conferences.

She is very straight forward.

But there is nothing to worry about; She is a great teacher. You will love her!!


  1. Suck up jk that is good info nice job warning them about the tea kwon do thing she will beat you

  2. Good job. I agree with everything you say about Mrs. Reagles. And yes, we had a great eighth grade year.

  3. Good Job Kayla! I like how you organized your thing about Mrs. Reagles.
