Wednesday, March 16, 2011


There is a thing in this world that means allot to everyone. That is called respect. You as a teen/young adult/child, must respect your elders or the people older than you. That means adults who work at the place you may be at, that means your teachers, and most importantly you friends and family. You should not only show respect to your elders, but to you friends, younger sibling or cousins. I have 2 little cousins who look up to me and have respect for me. I see them almost every week, they are like my two little sisters i never had. Autumn is 5 and Edyn is 4. When they were little im talking a few months old i was the only one who could keep them calm. We were at a family Christmas party and autumn started crying so her mom (my aunt) tried to hold her and calm her down then my mom tried, nothing. They gave her to me and within in a few minuets she was falling asleep. I am like a little kid magnet. This was like 3 months ago but we had a block party at my moms boy friend at the time (now they are getting married) neighborhood. They had a bouncy house, so i went in and jumped for a little then i started playing with this little boy Liam. We played this game where he would imagine something for me to be like an alien is what he had me be first and he would run away and i would try and tickle him. Then a few more kids joined in and 2 more and 2 more until i had about 15 kids playing this game. I was a teddy bear, i was pancakes, i was a bird, i was a hot dog,i was a train and so many more. I went back to my house to get a drink and all the kids followed and screamed for me out side of my house... They didn't call me Kayla the called me "The teenager". Now i baby sit for half of the kids. So back on the topic of respect. Respect is the key thing you need in life. It will help you with everything you do or want to do... Remember Respect.

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