Thursday, March 24, 2011


If i could change three things in our school i would have it start at 10:00 am. I would have it so we can pick who is in our class based on all of the students who have that class. I would also still have it end at 2:45 and i would let the 8th graders get to pick who is in their resource. i would also make a no pass system. So you just say like hey i need to go work with so and so and then you can just go. I do think thata students will still be able to get through high school with these changes. If the students can still be responsiable and work than why not. Other wise if you dont and choose to goof off the whole time we will just move you out of that class an into the other with none of your friends in it. I would make these changes because i do have a class where i have none of my friends in it. I would change the time because im to tired to be getting up at 6, i would rather get up at 9 and be at school by 10. I would say no passes because there are times i would want and or need to go somewhere but i dont have a apass to go therefore im stuck in my resource not filling that task i should have been doing. So that is what i would change in our school and i still do think that you could get through highschool if these changes were made.

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